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Showing posts from August, 2018

Imran Khan sends best wishes and prayers to the victims of flood in Kerala, India

        Imran Khan is the most different prime minister of Pakistan, has always shown patriotism for his motherland, love, and affection to the poor and needy. Lamenting on what has happened in Kerala, India, Imran Khan tweeted that he and his countrymen send their best wishes and prayers for the victims of the flood and they might provide the humanitarian assistance if needed.  Imran Khan's tweet . Imran Khan- By Heinrich Böll Stiftung from Berlin, Deutschland        445 deaths were estimated in the flood, 15 people were missing and almost a million evacuated. The property damage was estimated to be the US $3 billion. 35 out of 54 dams were opened for the first time in Indian history. All 14 districts of the Kerala state were in a state of red alert. The Indian government declared it the Level 3 Calamity, Calamity of severe nature. The capacity of dams was full and overflowed. Flood- Pixabay         It was monsoon season, it rained about 257% more than usual, cau

Th holocaust and Holland's Geert Wilders

      Talking about the founder of Dutch anti-Islam party, Party of Freedom ( Partij voor de Vrijheid – PVV), Geert Wilders, who is holding Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) cartoon competition has provoked violent responses all across the globe. He has banned every single mosque and Quran in the Netherlands. He has banned all the Muslim immigrants as well. His criticism on Quran and on Islam has made him famous.  Geert Wilders- Wikimedia              He says, "I don't hate Muslims, I hate Islam". It doesn't make any sense, you hate a religion and expect the followers of that particular religion will like you. Somebody, please call a psychiatrist, the patient needs some help with his mentality          I strongly condemn the blasphemy of our beloved prophet (S.A.W.W). Scrolling down the Social Media, I came across the people talking about the Holocaust and violently responding to the foolish act of Geert Wilders. No Muslim can accept anything against prophet Muha

14 ways to develop leadership qualiities

      Being an exceptional leader is something, everybody longs for. Everyone needs leadership qualities, even if they are not supposed to lead, for a better life. Everybody has leadership qualities from their birth, now it depends upon their parents, grandparents, friends and teachers to nurture those qualities. These people can also destroy leadership qualities, depending upon how they treat them. Lets discover, what you need to be an exceptional leader. 1. Confidence       The first and foremost thing you need to be a good leader is to have confidence. You should be able to converse eye to eye with anybody you meet. Always have a smile on your face. You should contradict anyone at anytime if they are wrong. You should know how to be assertive and say 'no'. If you lack some of the qualities mentioned above, you can also visit  How to develop confidence in your personality?  from our blog for more details.  2. Communication skills        Communication skills are a

Cryptocurrency, An on-going craze

        I consider it necessary to write about the on-going craze about cryptocurrencies among young people, investing six figures blindly for the sole-purpose of reward and outcome, and also promoting others to do what they have done. First off, lets discover what cryptocurrency actually is. Cryptocurrency         'Crypto' means hidden, and as the name confirms, cryptocurrency means hidden currency. It's completely anonymous, it has no physical shape, nor it has an intrinsic value. It's not redeemable for another commodity, as fiat currency is, like gold. Cryptocurrency work on the principle of supply and demand. When supply is high, its price would be low, and when demand is high, its price would be high as well.         Satoshi Nakamoto, a Japanese scientist invented Bitcoin in 2009. It uses peer to peer network, and is based on de-facto law. There were attempts in the 90's to make a digital cash, but all failed. Now-a-days, there are many cryptocurrencie

How to avoid criticism?

     Have you ever felt demotivated and discouraged when someone talks shit about your favorite sports, team, nation, or anything else which you are attached to? If yes, then you need to consider the followings. First off, there are two types of criticism, constructive criticism and destructive criticism. Constructive criticism helps you to become a better person and destructive criticism is only meant to hurt and demoralize you. Constructive criticism     As mentioned above, constructive criticism helps you become a better person, it is meant to tell you the harsh realities about you or anything else you like. Your teacher, good friends and parents criticize you constructively to become a better person for tomorrow. This type of criticism may be in a harsh tone and a soft tone as well. The person who criticizes you telling the realities about you or anything you like is not meant to demoralize you. Dealing with constructive criticism      To deal with constructive criti

What did the President Mamnoon Hussain said at the 72nd independence day of Pakistan?

   Independence day Celebrations       This great day begins with a lot of preparations, kids and teenagers, all in green and white. Hoisting of national flag everywhere. 31-gun salute at the capital, Islamabad, and 21-gun salutes at the provisional headquarters. A Pakistani flag-  Pixabay      The main ceremony was held at Jinnah convention center, Islamabad, where president Mamnoon Hussain hoisted the national flag. Many big personalities and foreign dignitaries also attended the ceremony including the caretaker Prime Minister Nasirul Mulk. Change of guard, as usual, was also held at the mausoleums of Allama Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam at Lahore and Karachi. People rushed to markets to buy national flags, badges, t-shirts and other merchandises to show their patriotism for Pakistan. Pakistan's fate will be decided in terms of 'Vote'      Mamnoon Hussain congratulated the crowd for the Independence Day and said, "As Independence day and General Elections com

8 ways, how to build biceps at home without equipment ASAP?

    Biceps are one of the most attractive parts of one's body. It adds manliness to one's personality. No problems while choosing a good T-Shirt, you may dress as you want, no problems of being skinny or chubby. Everyone wants to have big biceps. But, you may not have enough time to go to the gym or simply, can't afford it, and you still want biceps, right? So, here are some tips to get biceps at home without having any equipment. 1. Diamond push-ups    Diamond push-ups, also known as 'close-grip push-ups' mainly focus on your triceps, it helps build your arms. When your triceps are well trained, your arms will be muscular. Let's discover how to do it. Place both of your hands together like a diamond and do 15 push ups, rest for 45 and do two more sets just like that. 2. Triceps Dip     Triceps dip also focuses on your triceps, you don't need any equipment, you just need a chair with sidearms, to do the triceps dip.  While sitting in

Is Artificial Intelligence dangerous to human beings?

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more famous because of its vast use in every field of life. AI is able to simulate human intelligence, for problem solving and decision making.  Strong AI and weak AI are its two types. The idea of Artificial Intelligence was proposed by McCarthy in 1956. The research went on and we are using AI in our daily lives, by now, in search engines, automated cars, playing games with our computer, robots and in displaying of ads and advertisements. Is AI limiting the jobs human can have? or can it reach the potential of human intelligence and become harmful for humans?  In this article, we will be providing the answers of the above questions. But, at first lets consider some types and benefits of AI. Types of Artificial Intelligence     As discussed above, weak AI and strong AI are the two types of AI: Weak AI     We are using weak AI in our daily lives. The traffic signals, playing games with computer, using search engine,

Significance of Eid-ul-Adha

        Eid-ul-Adha ,the Festival of Sacrifice, is one of the two holidays of Islam (the other is Eid-ul-Fitr). Eid, as described in 'Surah-e-Ma'ida', is a solemn festival for Muslims. On this day, Muslims sacrifice Halal animals in the name of Allah. Alone in Pakistan, over 10 million people perform 'Qurbani' (Sacrifice), which means US 2 billion dollars are spent. Muslims divide the meat in three parts, one for the poor and the needy, one for the relatives and friends and rest of it is kept by the family. It is on the 10th day of the month of 'Dhul-Hijjah'. It is celebrated right after the 'Hajj'  Crescent-  Pixabay Why do Muslims celebrate it?        Muslims celebrate the festival of Eid-ul-Adha as the remembrance of the prophet Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)'s willingness to sacrifice his beloved son Hazrat Ismail (A.S) [who also became a prophet], to follow Allah's command. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) got his son after 80 years of patience. On

14th August, a celebration of freedom or Recreation?

    "On 14th August 1947, Pakistan came into being". We all went through this phrase, but do we really know what it means? Now-a-days, Celebration is just bounded to recreation. We go to different picnic spots, no matter in Pakistan or Foreign, just for some adventure and fun. We don't know why our ancestors struggled for this Pakistan. Pakistan means ' Land of Pure ' (Pak=>Pure, Stan=>Land). We don't know about the Two-Nation theory, and if we know, we just don't care. I can see too many patriots on 14th August, who are abusing the land in which they live. I can see different people sharing their love, affection and respect for Pakistan on this day on Social Media, wearing white and green (the official colors of Pakistan), painting the national flag on their faces, and I can also see them saying that this country is not worth living, they will go abroad, what has it given us.  'What have you given it?'          Are we only supposed to

Is Dictatorship better than Democracy?

Hello Everyone,     While talking about the forms of government, one may come across democracy and dictatorship, being the most popular forms of government in today's world. Before we come across the differences, lets define them. What is Democracy?     Democracy is a form of government where people vote to elect their leader. The majority of the people is considered and the candidate with major votes is elected. In democracy, people have the freedom to oppose what is being wrong or simply, they can elect some other candidate considered better than the previous one. Benefits of Democracy      People have the right and freedom to vote. They can enjoy the governance of their own elected candidate and if they have any sort of problem they have the right to oppose. In every decision the government make, common people are also considered. Drawbacks of Democracy    Democracy has its positive and negative aspects, like everything else. Elections are the most time consumi

How to develop confidence in your personality?

Hello Everyone,        As you know confidence is an extremely important trait in one's personality. You can talk to anybody about anything. You can get what you want. You can be anyone's crush, because girls mostly like confident guys, but what if you lack this important quality. Well, don't worry, we have some important tips for you to develop confidence in you. Sociability     Sociability is very important to develop confidence in your personality. If you don't socialize with everybody, just try to talk to your family and friends about debating topics, like who will win the next FIFA World Cup?, What would happen if Atom bomb explodes? etc. You would also have to gain a little bit knowledge, of course. Once you start debate, stand your ground, it will automatically develop confidence in you. Expecting to be nervous      Expect to be nervous. Don't worry, if you can't speak in front of the audience. Many great speakers get nervous as well.

5 horrifying facts about North Korean Army

As you may have heard about North Korea and the conditions that people live in, but you may not have heard about the North Korean Army. So lets find out what is uncommon in the North Korean Army. Army-  Pixabay     Yes, you heard that right. Army Service is compulsory for everyone, Wow. There are 47 active soldiers for every 1000 people, that would be 1,190,000 active soldiers and 6,300,000 reservants, which makes it the largest army on the planet, US has 5 active soldiers for 1000, Russia 5, India 1, China 2, Pakistan 4. A common male has to serve Army for 10 years and female, 7 years. If you don't want to the job, you will be forced. A very few people can get a bachelor's degree and are still forced to serve 5 years in military. The important scientists serve 3 years in the Army. Their paramilitary force include teenagers    Teenagers from 15-18 years old are sent to The Workers-Peasant Red Guard for 15 days training in Summer to prepare them for war. S

7 Quotes from Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah that will change the way you see the world

Hello Everyone,    Quaid-e-Azam was a great leader of the Muslims of the sub-continent and the founder of Pakistan, a country based on ideology of Islam. Vijay Laxmi Pandit once said," If Muslim League had 100 Gandhis and 200 Abdul Kalam Azad and Congress had only one Jinnah, India would have never divided. Quaid-e-Azam had all the leadership qualities, lets take a look at some of the great quotes from him. With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing that you cannot achieve. Think 100 times before you take a decision, but once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man. No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you. I do not believe in taking a right decision, I take a decision and make it right. Expect the best, Prepare for the worst. Think well before selecting your leader and when you have selected him, follow him. But in case, you find his policy detrimental to your interests, kick

Who is going to be the next prime minister of Pakistan?

Hello Everyone,    Lets talk about the previous Prime Ministers of Pakistan before proceeding to the next PM. Nawaz Sharif from PMLN(Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz)  has been the PM of Pakistan for three times and Pakistan Military has ruled over the Pakistan for 39 years, now in General Elections 2018 Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf has emerged as the largest vote gaining party of Pakistan with 115 seats. But, will the PTI chairman Imran Khan be able to become the next PM of Pakistan? Well, there is something called number game. PTI needs 137 seats to form a federal government. There are some independent candidates as well who will unite with PTI to help form a government.        On the other hand, PMLN and PPP (Pakistan People's Party: a previous ruling party) has joined hands and united with some other parties with a small number of seats, are willing to form a federal government. It also had displayed the names of PM, CM of Punjab, Speaker and deputy speaker if it forms gover

Martial Arts

Hello Everyone,   Martial arts is form of combat used for different reasons like Self-Defense, staying fit, entertainment, military purposes and for spirituality reasons as well. Although, China is famous for martial arts in the late 20th century, but was famous in Europe in 1550's. It basically originated from eastern Asia in the early 6000 BC.   Some different formats of Martial Arts to consider are: Military Martial Arts      Military practices both armed and unarmed Martial Arts for the emergency situations. It is mostly practiced by the paramilitary forces, so that they can survive even without weapons in severe conditions like that of a war. It is useful for law enforcement applications. Health & Fitness       Martial Arts is a very good exercise for your health. It keeps you in a well form. t keeps you active. It also maintains your fitness. Some people practice it for spirituality like 'Tai Chi' especially in North Asia.   Entertai

How to maintain fitness when your life is extremely busy

Hello Everyone,  How can one maintain his/her fitness in an extremely busy and exhausting life? We all want to remain fit, of course, without Gym LOL. Fitness is an important factor in life. You can enjoy good health and good health means a good and a happy life isn't it?. Just look at the people with diseases, you will probably like the idea of fitness. You may not be medically fit, but you can be physically fit, its in your hands. No matter how busy you are. Lets discover some tips to stay fit and healthy all the time no matter how busy life you may be living: Focus on your diet Exercise when you're free Enjoy healthy sleep  Focusing on your diet                Eat whatever you want but eat a balanced diet. You should not over eat, make sure your stomach have some room for more food after you have eaten. You must add cereals and fruits to your diet. A healthy and balanced diet means everything for being fit. Eat at fixed times on regular basis. You should

What do Pakistanis think about The West

Hello Everyone,                    As you know there are two sides of a coin, so there are diverse opinions about The West in Pakistanis views. Some Pakistanis think of them to be super-humans and think that there are no better people than "Gora's" ( Westerns ) and others hate them thinking that they have a huge deficiency of  Moral values. One side of the coin People of the West-  Pixabay               The people who think westerns to be super-humans also think that there is an exception of corruption in the west, which, you know is a false concept. Some extremists of this type think of the westerns to be super-honest. They make them their ideals, follow them and try to be them. Well that's not all, they are also criticized by their elders who think The West to be violators of moral values and human rights. The people who think west to be their ideal are young and mostly teenagers. Other side of the coin             A boy showing off his pride for