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Th holocaust and Holland's Geert Wilders

      Talking about the founder of Dutch anti-Islam party, Party of Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid – PVV), Geert Wilders, who is holding Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) cartoon competition has provoked violent responses all across the globe. He has banned every single mosque and Quran in the Netherlands. He has banned all the Muslim immigrants as well. His criticism on Quran and on Islam has made him famous. 
Geert Wilders-Wikimedia

      He says, "I don't hate Muslims, I hate Islam". It doesn't make any sense, you hate a religion and expect the followers of that particular religion will like you. Somebody, please call a psychiatrist, the patient needs some help with his mentality 
     I strongly condemn the blasphemy of our beloved prophet (S.A.W.W). Scrolling down the Social Media, I came across the people talking about the Holocaust and violently responding to the foolish act of Geert Wilders. No Muslim can accept anything against prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W).  Let's discover what holocaust actually is?


     Holocaust was a genocide, in which Nazi Germany along with its collaborators, and in the command of Adolf Hitler from 1933 to 1945, mass murdered two-third of the Jewish population, nearly six million people. Persecution and murder of other groups, including ethnic poles, Soviet citizens, Soviet war prisoners, gay men and political opponents etc, resulted in overall 17 million deaths. 

How is the Holocaust-related to the above-mentioned controversy?

     Let's find out the logic of relating holocaust to the cartoon competition. 
     According to Muslims, the Holocaust was held against Jews and Geert Wilders is also Jewish, so the Holocaust is being related to the Geert Wilders. However, Hitler's mother was a Catholic and compelled him to believe in the religion. Hitler didn't like Christianity and hated Christians and neither he was Jewish. He repeatedly wrote that he was on a divine mission from God to destroy Jews.

     The scoundrel, Geert Wilders is famous for his criticism on Islam, he doesn't assume Islam as a religion, but rather a totalitarian political ideology such as communism and fascism. He travels to Israel frequently, for political suggestions. 

      As mentioned above, he has banned all the activities of the Muslims, a common man can understand that he can do that, but the one can never understand why did he hold a cartoon competition. He always has bodyguards all around for the protection of his filthy soul and dirty body. 

      Please share it as much as you can.


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