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Mushkpuri Diaries

        What else can be better than having fun with friends? A long awaited morning came. We were done with the OHTs, it was exhausting. Who likes exams?
        A good turned evil friend of mine, kicked me out of the bed when it was 5 on the clock and I was like WTF. We reached the bus stop at 6. OK, forget about the time, we were in the Bus and we even had breakfast in the Bus. We were about to leave the boundaries of College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, NUST (CEME, NUST).
        There were 5 Buses, we were in a great number and it was our first trip from CEME, NUST to Mushkpuri top.  4 seniors came in our Bus, afterwards. The term Senior, is often terrifying to some, but we had a lot of fun with them.

        When the journey started, our beloved Class Representative (CR) started making crazy faces and moves to entertain us, but we are grown-ups man, we wanted more. Songs started playing and we were dancing wildly. A boy at the back even broke the specs of the other boy, sitting beside him, but it was fine. Soon, we began to play Antakshari. Its like singing a song and then the opponent will sing a song starting with the ending letter of the previous song. One of our seniors was so enthusiastic about singing songs, that we barely contributed in the game and he was singing all the way to Mushkpuri, but it was a lot of fun.

        We reached Doonga Gali and prepared for the hike. As the journey was fun but exhausting, the first thing we did was going to the washrooms. Afterwards, we started our hike to the top of Mushkpuri. We were divided in groups and continued hiking towards the top. The first person we asked for the time of the remaining journey towards the top, told us 30 minutes, the next would say 45 minutes and then it goes on to an hour and then even 2 hours, we were hit by some Lahori stuff, it was disgusting. Frustrated by this, we planned to ruin other's journey while coming down from the top.

        Anyhow, we reached the top of Mushkpuri, exhausted and starving, I was excited because I thought we were going to have BBQ at the top. Soon, my excitement turned into frustration when someone told me that we had to go to the bottom again and have BBQ, this was seriously a bad joke. We sat down in a circle, and were surprised to see the 4 seniors had reached already just before us but that confusion didn't last long as someone told us that they just came, we didn't see them coming.


        Now it was getting colder, our noses redden and we began playing Truth or Dare, a game known for its epic informality, yet it was the most formal game played that day. We didn't have fun playing that, it was waste of time. Soon we were called by seniors and were deceived in the name of BBQ. I thought they were calling us for BBQ, but it was actually a group photo. We had fun at the top, there was snow fighting, however there was a little snow but still some of the high intellectuals managed snow fighting.

        Finally, we started our journey back to the bottom for BBQ. Wow, It was much awaited. When we reached the bottom, our group was among the few who reached the bottom earlier and unfortunately, we were served right at the end. After BBQ, tea, music by one of our senior who is actually very good at singing and some pictures, it was the time to leave for our beloved campus CEME, NUST.

        Everyone, tired and sleepy gathered in the Bus and started our journey back to campus. We had had all the fun and it was the time to sleep, forgetting about all the worries we had in our life. That journey was quite boring because everyone was tired and sleepy, still our enthusiastic senior managed to sing all the songs he could sing all the way.

        Everyone reached their destinations and the journey ended. It was mesmerizing, I hope to join all the trips in the future. It was a lot of fun.

        That's all folks. Hope you enjoyed the hiking.


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