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14 ways to develop leadership qualiities

      Being an exceptional leader is something, everybody longs for. Everyone needs leadership qualities, even if they are not supposed to lead, for a better life. Everybody has leadership qualities from their birth, now it depends upon their parents, grandparents, friends and teachers to nurture those qualities. These people can also destroy leadership qualities, depending upon how they treat them.
Lets discover, what you need to be an exceptional leader.

1. Confidence

      The first and foremost thing you need to be a good leader is to have confidence. You should be able to converse eye to eye with anybody you meet. Always have a smile on your face. You should contradict anyone at anytime if they are wrong. You should know how to be assertive and say 'no'. If you lack some of the qualities mentioned above, you can also visit How to develop confidence in your personality? from our blog for more details. 

2. Communication skills

       Communication skills are a part of  developing confidence, you should know what to speak, when to speak and how to speak. Many great names, even in today's world don't know how to communicate with people. If you are arrogant, you cannot be a good leader, be down-to-earth, and know what are people going through in their lives. 

3. Moral values

        You want to be a leader? Show me your moral values first. Every leader has moral values, they live according to these values. They can neither accept anything against their values nor compromise those values. You should know, what your moral values are. If you don't have any moral values, try to develop them ASAP. Set limits and boundaries around everything you do in your daily routine. Know those thing, which have been done wrong and try to improve them.

4. Optimism

        Have a positive attitude. Every coin has two sides, it depends upon you, which side do you select. If you are pessimist, know that every wise person hates pessimism. Develop a positive attitude in your personality. Always look for optimism, no matter, how hard and complicated it may be. Try to get away from negative people, if you can't ignore them. 

5. Listening

        Being a leader doesn't mean that you always have to be in the limelight. You should have a great listening skills, you will be proved lovable in every person's eye. Leading is not about bragging, as mentioned above, be down-to-earth. Just speaking everything and listening nothing cannot make you a good leader, not even a bad leader. 

6. Care for others

       Have you seen any boss being appreciated for his/her work? Absolutely not. Leaders have a soft heart and they care for their followers. You should be able to distinguish a leader from a boss. Unlike bosses, leaders are always at the front, while bosses only know how to order. Leader is a respectable person and has tenderness, what actually means to be a leader.

7. Passion

       Leaders, always are passionate about everything they do, and they do it to its extreme. They know no boundaries, they only know the target. That's what you need to be. You should be passionate but not extremist. Extremism can never be a leadership quality.

8. Knowledge

       Leaders aren't illiterate. You should know about everything you do because you will be held responsible. You must be able to explain your strategies and plan. You should know about the consequences of what you are up to.

9. Planning

       Planning is an important factor for being a leader. After gaining all the required knowledge about a certain thing you are going to do, its the time to plan, plan your moves, know the results, analyze everything, and you are all set.

10. Motivation

       Leaders know how to motivate other people. Demotivating others is not a trait of a leader. If you want to be a good leader, instead of demotivating and discouraging others in their needs, join hands with them and motivate them, that's what they need. Tell them both the positive and a negative side of the certain thing they are involved in and don't mislead them.

11. Ambition

       If you are not a hardworking person and wish to get everything without doing anything, just lying straight in your bed, you cannot be a leader. Leaders know the worth of everything they get because they do it with an ambition, a struggle and then an achievement. There's no shortcut.

12. Being a role model

       If you want to be a leader, serve as a role model. You should be an example for others. You know what? You cannot be an example for others, unless you get up from your bed and instead of talking about people and criticizing everyone, go and work and show others how to do it. 

13. Knowing strengths and weaknesses

       Knowing your strengths is a good quality, but if you only know your strengths and not your weaknesses you're not going straight. You cannot be perfect, nobody is perfect. If you only know your strengths, you will be arrogant. Try to discover your weaknesses and then try to improve them.

14. Practicing patience

     Being a great leader means, you can endure criticism from anyone, if you don't have patience and endurance, you cannot be a leader. You should know that hard work always pays off, but you should also know that patience is the key. You cannot get results immediately. You have to be patient and persevere. Endure criticism and keep doing your work and believe that hard work always pays off. You just have to be patient. 

          "Nigah Buland, Sukhan dil-nawaz, Jaan pursouz
                    Yehi hai rakht-e-safr, meer-e-karwaan kay liye"- Allama Iqbal


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