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Is Dictatorship better than Democracy?

Hello Everyone,

    While talking about the forms of government, one may come across democracy and dictatorship, being the most popular forms of government in today's world. Before we come across the differences, lets define them.
A board showing say bye to democracy and let dictatorship come

What is Democracy?

    Democracy is a form of government where people vote to elect their leader. The majority of the people is considered and the candidate with major votes is elected. In democracy, people have the freedom to oppose what is being wrong or simply, they can elect some other candidate considered better than the previous one.

Benefits of Democracy

     People have the right and freedom to vote. They can enjoy the governance of their own elected candidate and if they have any sort of problem they have the right to oppose. In every decision the government make, common people are also considered.

Drawbacks of Democracy

   Democracy has its positive and negative aspects, like everything else. Elections are the most time consuming events in democracy. Every process and every decision is slow, because the opinion of a common man is considered. The biggest drawback of democracy is that, if the majority of people is ignorant or not well educated, they would elect some non-sense leader which will result in the destruction of the whole system. Now, as every process is slow because of the most of the opposition there comes the need of any other form of government.

What is Dictatorship?

     Dictatorship is the form of government in which all the authorities are given to an individual. He is the leader, there is no exception. He will govern all the state by himself, forget about elections. Everyone has to obey every order. You don't have to elect anyone.

Benefits of Dictatorship

    Every event is fast, no elections, no opposition and no waiting for the passings of bills. Dictator must have a versatile personality to look after different affairs. He orders, no opposition and the order is obeyed.

Drawbacks of dictatorship

    People lose their freedom and as a result it promotes a brutal government. There is no opposition, everyone obeys and can't oppose. This brutal government causes destruction to economy. The investors, fearing the dictator, invest in other countries, causing a huge impact on economy.

  Every form of government has its positive and negative aspects, now it depends upon the regnant, how the government should work.



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