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14th August, a celebration of freedom or Recreation?

    "On 14th August 1947, Pakistan came into being". We all went through this phrase, but do we really know what it means? Now-a-days, Celebration is just bounded to recreation. We go to different picnic spots, no matter in Pakistan or Foreign, just for some adventure and fun. We don't know why our ancestors struggled for this Pakistan. Pakistan means 'Land of Pure' (Pak=>Pure, Stan=>Land).
We don't know about the Two-Nation theory, and if we know, we just don't care. I can see too many patriots on 14th August, who are abusing the land in which they live. I can see different people sharing their love, affection and respect for Pakistan on this day on Social Media, wearing white and green (the official colors of Pakistan), painting the national flag on their faces, and I can also see them saying that this country is not worth living, they will go abroad, what has it given us.
 'What have you given it?'
A boy holding a Pakistani flag
       Are we only supposed to be patriotic on 14th August? Absolutely not. Our national poet, Allama Muhammad Iqbal, was said to have a dream about a separate Muslim State, which, he was not able to see coming true in his life. He died in 1938. Are we, young Pakistanis, he used to address in his speeches and poetry, the Shaheens (Falcons) of Iqbal? Are we doing what we were supposed to? Going out in public places with Pakistani flags, singing and dancing, not knowing what its worth is.


     From 1849 to 1947 Indo-Pak subcontinent was a British colony, which had given the rise to the unity of Muslims and Hindus. In 1857, Muslims and Hindus fought against the British, but failed. In 1885, The Indian National Congress was formed. Many Muslim leaders also participated in Congress, including Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, for the unity of Muslims and Hindus. Congress was one of the biggest political parties of the world at that time.

     Sir Syed Ahmed Khan worked diligently for the education and betterment of Muslims. Some conservative Muslims opposed him when he suggested that Muslims should learn English and defeat the British, using their weapon,but Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was consistent and worked on for the betterment of Muslims. Many Muslim scholars were killed for teachings of The Holy Qur'an. The Muslim leaders formed the All India Muslim League in 1906, and became the second biggest emerging party after Congress. Quaid-e-Azam left Congress in 1920, because he knew that there is no need for Hindu-Muslim unity, but there's a need of separate homeland for the Muslims. There comes the Two-Nation theory, stated by Allama Muhammad Iqbal in a speech at Allahabad in 1930, that Muslims and Hindus are two different states, with different cultures and traditions. 

     Round Table conferences were held, and bore no fruit. From 1937 to 1939, Congress ruled over the Sub-continent, known as "The Congress Raj" (Congress Reign). In this period, they had shown their brutal governance towards Muslims. Now, it became easy for Muslims to pass the Lahore Resolution (later known as 'Pakistan Resolution). It was passed on 23rd March,1940. After the World War II, British left the subcontinent and Muslims got independence on 14th August,1947, after many sacrifices were made. The migration was not as easy as it looked, but it took many sacrifices, Muslim women jumped in the wells, for the sake of their honor. Later on, in 1971, East Pakistan was parted from West Pakistan and is known as 'Bangladesh' today. 

    I wish, we all had known the bitter realities...    


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