Hello Everyone,
As you know there are two sides of a coin, so there are diverse opinions about The West in Pakistanis views. Some Pakistanis think of them to be super-humans and think that there are no better people than "Gora's" (
Westerns) and others hate them thinking that they have a huge deficiency of Moral values.
One side of the coin
The people who think westerns to be super-humans also think that there is an exception of corruption in the west, which, you know is a false concept. Some extremists of this type think of the westerns to be super-honest. They make them their ideals, follow them and try to be them. Well that's not all, they are also criticized by their elders who think The West to be violators of moral values and human rights. The people who think west to be their ideal are young and mostly teenagers.
Other side of the coin
A boy showing off his pride for Pakistan- Pixabay |
The other people, mostly the elder ones, think westerns to be extremist because of the colonialism they had been involved since the British India and we cannot erase the dreadful memories from their minds. One has to explain each and every detail of why he/she likes the western culture and so on. The bureaucrats of the country hate westerns the most and would not like any activity promoting the culture of the west or any political party being slave of the west. Westerns are mostly hated due to their secularism and liberalism as Pakistan is a conservative country.
So here's the conclusion,
No matter what do Pakistanis think about West or Westerns think about Pakistan, nobody can change the history..
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