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Who am I? What am I doing? Why am I alive?

Have you ever wondered, what if you were left alone in the world with all the luxuries, but no people? How does it feel? 

I guess I will be happy at first, and after enjoying every possible luxurious event, I'll have no one to share it with, leaving me sad and depressed (it's the worst I can imagine). 

Have you ever felt lonely in a crowd? I guess, always, when you don't know anyone truly. 

Why does it happen? What do we need to do? 

It happens because we aren't connected with ourselves, we need some self-assessment to overcome this loneliness.  

When something is bothering you or making you feel worthless, and you seek advice, people will tell you to distract yourself and find the activities that you like, but we cannot do it if we are not connected with ourselves and it takes a lot of work, a lot of self-realization, it's a process of knowing ourselves, who we truly are. 

We ought to connect with our emotions and try to control them, otherwise, they will control us. We have to know how we are feeling right at the moment; if we are sad, we have to know why, if we are angry, we have to know why, what went wrong? else peace of mind will remain a mystery to us. 

Well, quarantine with its never-ending disadvantages, gives us the benefit of connecting with ourselves spiritually. To do that, we have to embrace the change and acknowledge where we went wrong and what are the ways of improvement. 

We are too busy pleasing others in today's world, just to get appreciated and desired that we begin to lose ourselves in the process, causing several troubles in our everyday life. We get furious on the tiniest of matters, we get obsessive-compulsive, which is, unfortunately, a psychological disorder. We form shallow connections, subsequently. We are afraid of getting vulnerable, and we build walls around us because of the past experiences and knowledge that the world is a cruel place, and only some people deserve to know the real us, the real people. Maybe some of us believe that there's no one to share our worries with, which leads to hopelessness, which then leads to, sorry to say, suicidal thoughts.

How do we know if someone is real or fake? Well, that's a matter of our judgment, we might like to test people, or if we've experienced enough, we can tell if a person is real or not in 2 to 3 interactions. 

Vulnerability is the key to close relationships. If you can't be vulnerable, you can't form deeper and meaningful connections. You have to open up and tell people how you truly feel, without the fear of their reactions, without the fear of being judged, and that will allow you to know the people for who they are. And if you do that right and don't take their reactions personally, it will allow you to take a close look at yourself.

For being vulnerable, we have to take a close look at ourselves, away from the world, for a moment. We have to be comfortable with ourselves and have positive self-talk because, in the end, everything works out, and the things that bother us at the moment are not going to make a difference in the future. We have to accept that the change is inevitable, to make peace with ourselves. And I guess, we have to find some real people to rely on in our bad times.

I am no expert in the field of psychology, just a student. And what I have written is based upon my observance and experiences, and some books like "the Conquest of Happiness- by Bertrand Russell", "the Secret of letting go- by Guy Finley", "Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ - by Daniel Goleman", and "Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human relationships- also by Daniel Goleman". That's all folks, hope you like it :)


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