No matter how good you are, somebody is going to be against you, but never let them be the limit of your success.
When you are on the verge of getting something, you unintentionally develop haters, while there are many supporting you. Now there arises a need to deal with these haters.
Getting upset and hating them alternatively, doesn't solve the problem.
What should you do instead? I suggest, love them.
I asked a friend, what if the whole world was full of optimists? He replied, there would have been no discoveries, no inventions, and nothing productive. Pessimists compel optimists to do extraordinary things. Pessimists are an essential part of life.
Haters are more loyal
There's no one more loyal to you than your hater. Your friend may not point out your shortcomings, in order not to hurt you, but your hater will, giving you the opportunity to improve it. They, most of the time, criticize you, to break you, but they are sometimes right as well. Pay heed to constructive criticism that motivates you instead of destructive counterpart, that may fade out any ray of hope within. The biggest happiness lies in proving your haters wrong.
Deal with them calmly
Getting hyper when someone talks bad about you, is not the habit of successful people. Be calm and patient and deal with them effectively with forgiveness, farsightedness, and love. It will not make you weaker. If they take your kindness for your weakness, it's their mistake, and your responsibility to prove them wrong, not by your words, but by your actions. No one trusts words until proved by actions.
They help you
Another reason to love your haters is that they help you in polishing your skills, and enhancing your potential. You have everything to make something done, but you are not doing it because of the laziness and casualty. Thanks to the haters again, they make you do it at any cost because you know you have the potential and you want to prove them wrong.
They are hilarious
Haters are the funniest people; you will find out, provided you don't take their compliments personally. The sense of humor has a very intimate relationship with low self-esteem. As you see the most famous comedians use self-loathing as fuel for entertaining people and making them laugh. People with low self-esteem tend to be funnier, increasing their cleverness. You have to appreciate that.
Endeavor to appreciate
Appreciation is also a habit of successful people, but they only appreciate those things which need to be acknowledged, and not every single thing. As haters can be very blunt at times, ignoring their harsh tone, focus on their words, and wonder if they are right. If they are; you need to improve, else, you need to ignore.
In the end, in this world, if there were no haters, there would have been no good. Love your haters, ignore their bad, appreciate their good. In this life, people are going to love you as well as hate you, that has nothing to do with you.
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