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We were Welcomed, when Military amplified the party

      It was everything about getting us off the monotonous routine, but in the end, it increased our stress, as the welcome was followed by lab exams, quizzes and everything about academics.

     Let's start with the preparations for the formal dinner. Our esteemed commandant (the officer in charge of the institution) arranged a formal dinner for formally welcoming us, as we are the new degree of his institution. Very few of us had attempted the formal dinner before, so it was going to be a new experience for us.

     All males were told to wear suits on that pretty occasion. And females, however, had to wear any presentable dress. At last, the day came when we had to attend a formal dinner. Everyone gathered in front of the dining complex before 1900 hrs and later, we were allowed to enter the dining complex and choose where to sit. We had to eat after the commandant and finish before him. Whenever the commandant stopped, so did we. It was confusing at times. We all were stressed, focusing on our commandant more than our food.

     At last, the dinner was over, now it was the time for bonfire and singing and dancing. Dancing was a bad idea as we all were in suits, so I preferred roaming around lonely and meeting different people. I got separated from my friends. I was with the seniors and had a lot of fun. I was very tired and needed a nap. But when I got to my room, I was told that my friends had 'KHAAPA' (the name given to treat, traditionally in EME), I repented but forgot, with a thought in mind that I would have KHAAPA the next day and eventually, slept.

    In the next morning, my friends tried to wake me up for breakfast by telling me false stories of my crush that I barely listened and opted to sleep. I woke up later, missed my breakfast and did nothing until 1700 hrs. Afterward, prepared for the glow walk and went out of the hostel with friends. There were different games at different stalls, my friend played a game in which he had to walk 50 metres with a water-filled glass on his forehead. He played twice and won the second time, it was KHAAPA time.

     The concert was at 2030 hrs. Abdullah Qureshi was invited by our commandant, and amazingly it was free for us. We danced with the DJ and enjoyed the night. After the tiring concert, I had KHAAPA with the seniors forgetting about my friends and classmates.

      But, when I came back to my room and opened my phone, there were fights going on in the class WhatsApp group, that who enjoyed the most. They were divided into two groups. One had KHAAPA with the Gentleman Cadets GCs (Militants, who study with us), as they were given their first salary and were allowed to wear casual. It was their welcome as well, of course. The other group had a selfie with Abdullah Qureshi. They both were fighting on who had the real fun and then, there are people like me who missed everything, just to enjoy free KHAAPA. Although I had KHAAPA, I missed the enjoyment I would have had with my friends.

      That's the end of the story, I am still repenting on the KHAAPAs I missed. And now, I have the quizzes and lab exams and everything related to academics, that I hate the most.


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