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Secularism everywhere

     The increased rate of secularism in Pakistan is deviating many from their right path. Pakistan is not a secular state, rather it has an Islamic ideology and is known as 'The Islamic Republic of Pakistan'. Even the so-called 'Muftis"(Recognized scholars), nowadays, are offering degrees in the favor of interest policies. When we have our holy book Quran and Allah says in the Quran:
The Holy Quran

“O ye who believe! fear Allah and give up what remains of your demand for usury, if ye are indeed believers. If ye do it not, take notice of war from Allah and His Messenger.” (al-Baqara 278-279)

     It is clear from the verses mentioned above, that devouring usury (interest), is a war against Allah and his Messenger Muhammad (S.A.W.W). Now if anyone, even a Mufti, says that usury is 'Halal' (Permissible) in Islam, he is truly misguided and misguiding others as well. 

The rise of the secularism

      People, even of the highest ranks, know nothing about their own faith, and that's exactly the point which gives birth to secularism. They don't even care to think or research about their own faiths. And the sectarianism doesn't allow them to do so. If you are willing to go beyond the limits and try to find out the truth, there's a possibility that you may fall prey to misguided 'Muftis' like the ones mentioned above. 
     Many secularists quote Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah's speech on the 11th August 1947

  "You are free; you are free to go to your temples. You are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this state of Pakistan, You may belong to any religion, caste or creed-that has nothing to do with the business of the state."

      But they don't quote his words of speech on 25th January 1948 which contradict the above-mentioned quote,

"I could not understand a section of people who deliberately wanted to create mischief and made a propaganda that the constitution of Pakistan would not be based on the basis of Shariat."

"Why this feeling of nervousness that the future constitution of Pakistan is going to be in conflict with Shariat laws? Islamic principles today are as applicable to life as they were 1300 years ago."

     It is clear from the above-mentioned facts that Pakistan has its ideology and constitution based on Shariat, and is not a secular state. However, secularism is increasing day-by-day. 

How to reduce secularism rate?

     The first thing you need to know is that education is something different from knowledge. You may have the degree of Masters in any field, that makes you educated, but not necessarily knowledgeable. That is the reason that the CSS (Central Superior Services) is the most complicated test in Pakistan. It demands knowledge, not education.

     You need to consider books on history and your holy book rather than the books of your courses to gain knowledge. Knowledge is worthier than education. Education is limited to getting a degree, while knowledge is going to benefit you in every walk of your life. After reading all the books, make an opinion of your own, about different things. And consider different things according to your own point of view, not just falling prey to sold 'Muftis' or anyone.

    "The first gulp from a glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass, God is waiting for you." (Werner Heisenberg) 

      It means you need to get to the bottom of everything, you are exposed to. 
     "It is enough falsehood for someone to speak of everything he hears." (Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W)- Sahih Muslim-5)

   کی محمد سے وفا تو نے تو ہم تيرے ہيں
يہ جہاں چيز ہے کيا، لوح و قلم تيرےہيں


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