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Showing posts from March, 2019

Love your haters

No matter how good you are, somebody is going to be against you, but never let them be the limit of your success.  When you are on the verge of getting something, you unintentionally develop haters, while there are many supporting you. Now there arises a need to deal with these haters. Getting upset and hating them alternatively, doesn't solve the problem. What should you do instead? I suggest, love them. I asked a friend, what if the whole world was full of optimists? He replied,  there would have been no discoveries, no inventions, and nothing productive.  Pessimists compel optimists to do extraordinary things. Pessimists are an essential part of life. Haters are more loyal There's no one more loyal to you than your hater. Your friend may not point out your shortcomings, in order not to hurt you, but your hater will, giving you the opportunity to improve it. They, most of the time, criticize you, to break you, but they are sometimes right as well. Pay heed t